Just the two of us

Just the two of us
Rooting for the Rebels

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ashlynn's 2 week check up

Ashlynn had her 2 week well-baby checkup today. It went very well! We also had an ultrasound done on her kidney. On the last ultrasound they did of her in utero, they saw a slight abnormality with her left kidney. So they did another ultrasound on her today to look at it again. There is an abnormality present. It is called Renal Polyactesis. It means the renal pelvis is dilated, possibly caused from an obstruction at the ureter. Her abnormality is minimal, but it is still there. Sometimes it corrects itself within the first year of life. But they will continue to monitor it closely because if it doesn't correct itself, they may have to do surgery. It can lead to kidney failure if it is not corrected. So...I'm so thankful that they caught the abnormality. If I had not gotten that food poisoning, they would not have done that last ultrasound and we probably would not have known. So thank God for the food poisoning! *smile* God works in mysterious ways...

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